This is an update of several things, a plethora of thoughts really There are a couple things I forgot to blog about from the days that followed the hurricane. Above are two pictures. One is of Famous Amos cookies and the other is of Shannon's derriere with a big fat bruise on it. We will leave the best, most interesting picture for last, haha. So, I think these cookies are the best. I remember buying them out of the vending machine in junior high and high school. Shannon says that you know they can't be the "best" when you buy them out of a vending machine. So, the day after the hurricane hit Jared pulled out a honkin bag of these Famous ANUS cookies. I always call him ANUL so he is what he eats. Anyway! These cookies were a real treat for many days. It really was the junk food that we hoarded and piled together that made us so happy during a time when power was out all around us, streets were empty, cell phone calls were next to impossible to receive or call out, text messages took nine tries before it would send, etc, etc. It is a message to stock up on chocolate because you never know when you will need it. So, the second picture is of Shannon's big owie. She had several things happen to her as she was preparing for the storm. On Thursday she was retrieving something from her attic and she was turning the light off to come down and a critter scurried and scared her and she fell down the stairs and bruised her bottom. Of course, we HAD to take a picture and blog about it. At first Jared disagreed but then he allowed us to post it. Thanks Jared. You may remember the notation on my previous post about Shannon slipping and spraining her wrist on Saturday morning. That was before the lamp fell and smashed her finger too. She has been an accident waiting to happen. To wrap this long post up... the gas lines have gone back to normal now. They were miles long last week with hour+ lines to wait. Ice is back. That and gas was the biggest commodity during the days that followed. I never would have thought that ice would be the thing people were hurting the most for. Our street lights are starting to work again. That is so stressful when there are two to three lanes each direction and there is a four way stop with all those lanes. Yikes! We almost died going out to dinner last night with our friend driving us with all those stops. hee hee. There are still things that are frustrating and hard here though. Shannon and Jared are still WITHOUT power. It has been nine days now since they lost it. They are not the only troopers making it work, there are still 13,500 people in our zip code still without power which is down from the 29,000 without a week ago. It is getting hot here again so we are all praying for our family, friends and neighbors to get their power restored like yesterday!!!! One last note... many of you can appreciate this: the McDonalds is still closed. I think all the other fast food chains have opened their doors, many opening only a couple days after the hurricane even without power. Now that is service and dedication to the customers! No, not Mickey D's. They closed down shop the Thursday before and haven't been heard of since. "Normal" life as we knew it will never return until the Golden Arches opens their doors once more. It's only American that they do. I guess you can tell who the billion dollar corporations are huh!