Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving Pumpkins :)

We were invited to carve pumpkins with Blake and the Murdock family.  We all had a wonderful time (relative term when you are talking about carving bunches of pumpkins with four children) and the girls and I were very thankful for the invite!!! While we were there my friend's boys came over to share their pumpkin with three eyes, they live two houses down! It was amazing... that all five of our pumpkins turned out!!! Happy Halloween!!!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

High School Musical 3

We had the funnest night seeing High School Musical 3 on Saturday! The girls have planned to see it for my birthday for over two months! Isn't that sweet... that's what they wanted to do for MY birthday. :) It was so much fun and worth the money I think! When High School Musical 2 came out we did a huge party with the Hair kids and that was something I missed this time since this one came out in the theaters! :( My friend Blake came along with us and I could have been mistaken but it looked as though he enjoyed it as much as the girls did. haha. Serious! 

Did I mention... I loved this movie! 

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trunk Or Treat

Last night was the annual trunk or treat at church. The girls had a great time and I didn't have such a bad time myself. :) The kids looked great. I wish I had more pics of the Hair family to post. I will get some on Halloween night. Halloween is not my favorite holiday! So much time and work and money for one night, maybe two! 

Kensi was a gymnast! It was pointed out to me that her mom(cuckoo) wrote on her cheek "Go Team". Do gymnasts have "Go Team" on their cheeks? haha Someone is losing their mind!
Cali was Hannah Montana but when she refused to wear the blonde wig she went as Miley Cyrus! She was so beautiful. 
Brae was the cutest bumble bee
Bella was a pink cheetah and Brae showing off her stinger!
Kennedi made the sweetest Tinker! 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodbye 20's

A couple months ago I wrote on my bathroom mirror "Be Happy You Are In Your 20's". I have to erase it now. :( It is so hard to know that I will never be able to say I am in my 20's ever again. :) I had the best birthday. It was super memorable. I woke up to homemade gifts from my little beauties and lots of love from them. Shannon and Jared (and Kennedi) took me to breakfast at Cracker Barrel. It was delicious, i had french toast with peaches and whipped cream. After breakfast Shannon and I went to see Duchess. It was rather depressing and we both cried but it was fun to be together and Keira Knightley is amazing! We had a good time. We also grabbed lunch and went to the bookstore. It was a great day! Last night I had a birthday dinner at Olive Garden with my sweet, cute, hot, neighborhood best buddy. :) When we got parked it started to downpour. When we got inside we were both soaked through but it made it unforgettable. haha. Maybe my 30's will be even more memorable and more exciting than anything I've ever experienced! I am thankful for all my friends and family who texted me and called me and left me messages on facebook. I am thankful to have all of you in my life. It is my relationships that make me so happy in this life.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Birthday Family Home Evening

Tonight Braelyn did a family home evening for my birthday. I will have to admit that it will take a miracle for me to actually LiKe this crazy BiRtHdAy! but the girls made me laugh so much. If any of you know I am totally going to spend my birthday in a coffin all day all dressed in black. I am NOT OK with this one. haha

Check out our good times. We glued these candles on 'my' cake one by one. The girls sang me a special song which was a church song 'I Am A Child of God' mixed with 'Birthday Girl'. And Braelyn wrote a knock out poem. It reads: "Happy Birthday Mom, I know you're turnin 30, Don't go getting dirty. You may not be so happy, but I am indeed, cause soon I'll be 11, 1 year older and wiser too, and it's all because of you (in a good way). So happy birthday isn't fun for you, I know you like this birthday poem that I made up especially for you. 

Isn't she so sweet. I loved my fhe!!!! Even if I am not okay with the dreaded day!!! Two months ago I actually wrote on my mirror in my bathroom with eye liner 'be thankful you are in your 20's!!!' Kensington asked if she could take it off today. I said don't rob me girl!!! :)


This should be in addition to our last post at Hallmark when the soap spilled on Isabella's head! As we left from Hallmark and were driving down the road (unnamed daughter) was telling me about these cards she got at Hallmark with people's names on them. Ok, ok, that should have been the first sign to me that something didn't sound right but as it typically is with me when I have a lot on my mind I kinda tuned out what she was really saying and was like 'uh huh'. I did hear her mention 'free' in her conversation though. We got to Shannon's house and she started bringing me these cards that had different people's names on them. I put two and two together to realize they were what she was talking about on the car ride and that they didn't look like they would be free at all!!! I went back to Hallmark today to pay for them, all 12!!! It came to $13.00 of name cards. Thank you to my wonderful child whom will remain nameless but she is a city in England! I loved splurging on these cards that are of absolute no use!!! haha.

Please notice though how sweet she was to get a card with my name on it!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

When Does This Ever Happen?

Today we went into Hallmark to get a card and two minutes in Bella had to pee so bad she almost peed her pants. I told her to ask the woman who worked there if they had a restroom, which they told my little 5 year old who was about to pee her pants, that they did not! So, off we went across the parking lot to Jack In The Box for Bella to go potty. She and Kensington went into the bathroom while I purchased a soda. It was only a second later that I heard Bella crying really loudly in the bathroom. I got my soda cup and went in to see what the heck was going on. I walked in to find her in tears and to see soap all over her hair! The soap container fell out of the wall and dumped onto her head!!! Really- who does this happen to? I had to get a photo and blog about it. It's just too good to pass up. If you are wondering we all went back into Hallmark with her looking just like this! My little orphan.

Photo Shoot:Blood, Sweat and TEARS!!!

I can't believe it's been a year since the girl's had their pictures taken. It's that time again? Are you kidding me? Ku'ulei and I ventured out to capture their true personalities! Let me just say that every year, it never fails, that before we even leave the house there are tears! They aren't happy with their clothes or their hair, it never fails! And they are all ten and under. I am sure I am in for it when they are all teenagers! The tears continued while taking the pics and the 'blood' in my title came when Bella swatted at a mosquito on her face and...well, you can imagine the rest of that one.  Good thing Kooks has photo shop to get rid of that massive bug bite right on her forehead. :) I am so thankful to Ku'ulei for her mad skills and her love for my family! We love you Kooks!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Survivor Babee!!!

It is SO that time again. Survivor is back on and all you lucky readers get to hear about my opinions all the time! It hasn't gotten heated yet so I have been mellow on my comments. haha Shannon's family and ours have played along with the game for years and we have all watched together for 7 years now!!! It's a BIG deal. Take a look at who I am this season. I am already willing to self sacrifice just to get Kelly off. ;) I am not a fan of hers. And I like the yellow team! My favorite players this season are: Marcus, Dan, Maddy, Jacque(was), Bob, Charlie and Sugar. The winner of Survivor gets one million dollars at the end of the season and our winner gets a $5 Sonic gift card. Five Cherry Limeaids are equal to a million bucks! haha

Election Day!!!

I am not Catholic but this video really touched my heart. Thanks to Alona for putting this on her blog first. Election Day is fast approaching. May we all vote so our country can be put into hands that will cherish family values.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Amanda, the Referee

I have many callings in life but tonight I will share one of my greatest! That of a referee. I am always trying to keep the peace and make life as fair as I possibly can. Well, actually I just hate all the arguing and want it to go away. Here are some of the things my girls fight over on a pretty daily basis. 
It's my turn in the middle (in the car)
She got to ride up front last time
I get to knock on the door. Mom, she knocked on their door last time 
I get to hold KK first (Kennedi, even though she is huge now, doesn't want to be picked up so much and she tells you that in complete sentences! Still, my two older girls call who is picking her up first)
I sit by mom (at dinner)
Mom you always sit between those two
I get to conduct the songs in fhe
No, I want to say the closing prayer (always tears!! every week, never fails)
I get to do my hair first
I get to kiss mom first (YES! They started to call numbers to give my kisses and I put a stop to that after day two! I am more than a number people!)
I get to push the cart
I get to return the movie to the slot
It's my turn to check the mail
I am first on Webkinz, no she was first last time
It's my turn to hold the remote

there are so many  more, but I will leave you with the newest fight and my favorite thus far...
(between Belle and Cali at the end of bath time)
it's her turn to pull the plug!!! I pulled it last time!!!  and yes there are actual tears over this every time! 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Kids Are So Funny

Over the weekend Brae and Cali went out to the car to get one of Cali's toys and Bella asked me where they were going. I told her Brae was going to take Cali for a drive. Bella told me she wanted to go too. When I told her I was kidding she was hurt and she said "Mom, you're going to the bad place". 

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I have been super busy with my new business lately. Here is my new motto: "I NEVER GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!!!" 

Don't worry, on your end you will always get a perfect product but on my end it is taking me forever to accomplish any one thing cause I am always having to re-do everything!!! Aagghhh! :) Notice how I am NOT putting this on my business blog. 

Just venting... :) Right now I am doing a sign that should read "Welcome to Mimi and Papas" and at the present it says " e come to Mimi and Papa". The 'W' and 'l' got messed up and where the heck did the 's' go? Oh yeah, that's right, I cut it off! haha.