Brae has been looking forward to the 5th grade talent show since last year in 4th grade. About 3 weeks ago she came home on a Tuesday and needed music with no words for the song she wanted to sing by Friday. I was so overwhelmed that week and I had no idea how to get that for her so I bribed her with $10.00 to NOT participate. (Good mom, huh) because I didn't know how to help her. She ended up getting her friends to sing with her and one of their dad's downloaded the song on itunes. Thank you, thank you! :)
This was the three girls after singing. Brae looked so beautiful that day! Like always. Two days before the show Braelyn lost her voice. How stinky is that! She had to forego her solo but she did an amazing job still!
After school we celebrated Cali and Bella's bdays and Jordi's graduation with a trip to Starbucks for Frappaccino's. So yummy! So fun!
This is Braelyn's group singing "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift.