Friday, January 30, 2009


Caution:::: If you have not watched Wednesday night's episode please don't read on!!!

Was anyone else shocked to find out that Charles Whitmore used to be an "Other"!!! I was floored. 

And is anyone else just as confused as ever! Confused and LOVING it!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Weekly Horoscope

I have no idea how this ever started but I get a text each week with a horoscope sent to my cell. So, it's uncanny how true they can be (even though I don't believe in them). Check out what I received today: 

If you feel like you just haven't got enough hours in the day then it's probably because your "to-do" list is unfeasibly long. Slow down!

Uh-huh! Enough said...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Check It Out...

Want to see some new gifts for Valentine's Day? Even if you don't you should check out my business blog to see if there's anything new in the vinyl world since the last time you scoped it out. Make sure you browse through the archive to go backwards to see everything. I can custom design vinyl products too. You can MUTE that song if you'd like. I do everytime. haha. Thanks for your love and support. I am having a lot of fun doing vinyl!!! Click the following link:
And also, in the future you can click the link at the top right hand corner of this blog to always go to MandysWallCandy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Cookie Monster

Bella has ALWAYS been a fan of cookies. Every time there are cookies being baked she is all over them. If there is open cookie dough in the fridge she eats it then says she didn't. Today she saw my dough (MY dough-notice the tube I package it in~haha) on the counter and asked if she could open it. I said no. The next thing I knew she was across the kitchen from where she was two seconds before and on the counter WITH the cookie dough in her lap. Where else! She is my little cookie monster! She is a joy. I can not believe she will be 6 this summer. My baby...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Humane Society Trip

Yesterday I took Max to get his first set of vaccinations at the Houston Humane Society. My experience was kind of a bad one just because I had to wait forever to get out of there. Do you know that feeling that comes when you seriously feel like you are stuck somewhere and you are at the mercy of others to get out. By the time I wanted to leave I invested too much time and swore our turn was coming soon so we stuck it out. It is a really nice facility and all of Houston agrees because they were all there in front of me in line. I wasn't going to blog about it until I was standing second in line to pay (for 20 minutes +) and the vet tech came out and called the next dog to come back. To everyone's amusement the dog  whom she called was named.... 

..............Can you guess it??? Blake got it right away!.............

"OBAMA!" It was pretty funny and everyone in the waiting room busted up in laughter and one woman even said while laughing "You named your dog Obama". Regardless of how you feel about the man, it was hilarious and blogworthy. :) I am so happy I am free from the Humane Society now. Whew!!! 

We love Emily and Molly Jane

Thursday was a fun day! Our friends from Dallas were returning home from a Houston overnight and stopped by for lunch. It was so great to visit and try to cram a whole year into two hours. I had the best time. We sure do miss you! These pictures are so funny, they kept taking them with the umbrella????? It's sad when the kids are growing so fast and we are missing out. Molly is amazing. Braelyn toted her around on her hip the entire time even though Molly is a big girl now. :) We loved it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What's Your Favorite???

I am taking a poll of my blog-land readers to find the most popular scent from Bath & Body. I think your opinion  counts as the general consensus, don't you agree! 

I am putting together a Valentine's Day basket for MandysWallCandy  and I want to put some goodies in it from B&B but I am not sure what's hot! Please comment and leave your fave. 

Mine is Coconut Lime Verbana

F.Y.I.~ MWC is coming out with V-Day gifts. Be thinking about a personalized gift for your loved ones. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Car: More than a Funky Smell

Some people, who will remain nameless ;), tell me often that our car smells. Here's something extra special about the car. It is WAY more than a funky smell. Check this out:
Amazing! You know, it made this noise about two years ago then it stopped and today it started back up again. It seriously sounds like someone (or something) is hitting the back panel in the back row. Kinda creepy. If I remember correctly it first did it to Shannon when she was driving. Today it made me laugh. Should I be laughing? What else can you do. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Look Who Came and Look Who's Happy

Recycle Much? 
Uh Huh!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Loathing Houston

I am very  happy in Houston with the exception of 2 things. I absolutely hate 
1) the humidity (it kills my hair. For a reference picture see the 'Aquarium' post below) and
2) they do not come to pick up garbage or recycling on or after a holiday. There is no make up day! 

I have two garbage days each week so that's not a big deal. Recycling however comes every Thursday and for the past two Thursday's it has been Christmas and New Years. And with Christmas we had enough recycling PLUS Shannon and Jared left town so they brought over their recycling too. It is driving my absolutely crazy in our garage! Can someone throw me a bone please? I am getting ready to load it all in my car and drive it to HEB and sort it out and recycle it myself. I have one more week to wait if I am waiting for the city. Help me! I am drowning, literally. 

So, the scooter is just resting on all the mess and the lawn mower lives there but the boxes and all three totes are full of recylclables. And I love how the garbage is exploding out the top of the can. Lovely.

Building Bears

For Christmas the girls were given gift cards to "Build A Bear". We decided to take them to the Galleria Mall to use their gift cards yesterday. I am not sure if we chose the best day to go because all of Houston was at the mall on New Years Day! This mall was amazing, the largest mall I have ever been to! It has four floors (the top floor had all businesses) and had pretty fancy stores! I was blown away! The girls had fun using their gift cards. I was glad Mr. Numbers went with us to help the girls buy their bears and the outfits to go with. Thanks Blake! 

Mad Search

On New Year's Eve Cali and I went on a mad hunt for some CHOCOLATE COVERED CINNAMON BEARS. Can I tell you that Kroger, CVS, Walgreens, gas stations and Wal Mart do not carry them? Please help us out... does anyone know where you can buy them?