Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy 11th Birthday Braelyn

Happy Birthday Baby!
We are busy this week packing for a move (you can see boxes in the background). To make time to celebrate Brae's birthday I pulled her out of school at noon today (she had an "appointment"...for lunch with mom) and we went for Chinese food. It was so yummy. 
This is her trying Egg Drop soup for the first time. 
Mom and Brae at lunch, I mean her eye dr. appointment. 
To end our fun time we both got a Frappacino from Starbucks. It was the first time she has ever been allowed to get one. It's a special day! Playing hooky is fun! 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My First Ebay Sale!

Life has been BEYOND busy lately. MandysWallCandy has been doing well! Over the holidays I did two open houses and both were successful. I have been thankful for repeat customers and word of mouth referrals. I recently did my first "Show" at a woman's home and it went well! I have slowly been doing Etsy and Ebay. I am SOOOOOOO happy that today I had my first ebay sale! It is a huge deal! I am excited to see where this business goes. Woo Hoo!!! Celebration Time!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fun Morning with The Murdock's

This morning Blake and his dad took the girls to a celebration in our neighborhood. The police and fire department were there and they had bounce houses and popcorn, soda and lots of fun handouts. The girls had a BLAST!!! The firemen turned on the hose from their truck and the girls got soaken wet!!! They loved it. They came home and changed and then continued their fun time at McDonald's for lunch and treats. Talk about being spoiled! They are still talking about it...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Cali's Letter

I hope (you) were green on March 13 (put a 7 over the 3) or else if you don't you will get pinched and I am sure it will heart but I never got pinched so I am not sure.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On the move...

The girls and I are moving next weekend. Please examine the picture below:
Squished!!!!! This is what it will be like after our move. We are going into a teeny, tiny apartment. We are going to do it for 6 months to save, save, save!!! I feel super good about the choice to do so. It's the right thing but I am not looking forward to many aspects of it! Maybe I can blog about it frequently so you can all laugh at how ridiculous it will be. All four girls in one small room. 3 flights of stairs. One puppy going potty. More to come!!! We are moving next weekend, the end of February. Big week ahead!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Survivor Time Baby!!!

We are HUGE Survivor fans and it starts tonight! WoO HoO. We all got Survivor buffs for Christmas from Shannon. The girls are wearing them to school today. This photo is from Christmas morning with them all wearing them. So fun! I am missing the show tonight because I have an Open House for MWC but thank goodness for TiVo. :) 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Where Oh where has my sister gone??

I have been missing my sister lately. She used to call me every day but now she doesn't. Ever. About a week and a half ago she started reading The Twilight series and she already finished all four of them BUT!!!!! she started to read them again. I miss her. If you see her will you please tell her to "Put the books down and be done." Your kids miss you and so do I. :) 

I am calling the Twilight Addiction Hotline now to report her. Don't laugh at this post, you know exactly what the mayhem is about, don't you.