Monday, July 13, 2009

Swimming With Mom

This is the sign at the entrance to my mom's community. My mom isn't even 55. Haha. We went swimming with her this weekend with Blake.
Blake & Bella
Cali, Angie and Momma
Blake was throwing the kids in the air and they were doing flips! This is Nolan. He ended up doing back drops but he had FUN!
Kensington had the back flip perfected! This scares the crap out of me! But she looks beautiful! Such form!


TakeAJourneyWithMe said...

We love swimming with mom. Ken is amazing, I dont think I could do that!

Kristin said...

Looks like the kids made sure Blake got a good workout that day! The invitation arrived yesterday--it's awesome! You and your sis are amazing!

Samuel and Camille said...

WOW, go Kenzington... That really is perfection, I dont know if I would even want to try and do that... Its fun to see all the pictures!